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The quotation below hangs in our office as a tribute to its author, his selfless contribution to the United States of America, and his unparalleled leadership. It is a viewpoint from a highly dedicated military officer that we simply find inspirational and compelling for the times we live in. Read his words a few times over. Reflect on the words.

We encourage you to read about and remember this exceptional United States Marine Corps Officer.

Be a man of principle. Fight for what you believe in. Keep your word. Live with integrity. Be brave. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Serve your country. Teach. Mentor. Give something back to society. Lead from the front. Conquer your fears. Be a good friend. Appreciate your friends and family. Be a leader and not a follower. Be valorous on the field of battle. And take responsibility for your actions.

Major Douglas A. Zembiec, USMC, Principles My Father Taught Me